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Socialising in the Desert: A Pop-up Community in Borrego Springs

Day trip to Mexico
Our New Year started fantastically, after welcoming the New Year in Downtown San Diego, we retreated back to Santee for a little rest and recovery. On the second day of the year we took a day trip to Mexico with our wonderful friends Stevan and Linda.  Linda has a slightly beat-up "Mexico car" that she is willing to take across the border and they were kind enough to be our tour guides for the day. We headed to Puerto Nuevo for a lobster lunch which was fantastic, then stopped at a Rosarito Beach Hotel bar for some Tequila and Sangrita. On our last trip south of the border, we scored some tasty tequila, but we couldn't find one that was recommended on a tequila blog I read. We searched in 3 liquor stores until we successfully found Volcan de mi Tierra, and I can confirm it was well worth the search - it's delicious. Last stop before heading back across was some to pick up some pan dulce to provide sustenance if the border wait was too long. It was a great day trip and I hope more Americans get over their skittishness about Mexico to help these wonderful friendly businesses to recover from their tough times.  

Gathering in Borrego
We decided to leave Santee Lakes a little earlier than planned, because we saw that a spontaneous gathering was happening in the desert near by. Many people we follow online were posting pictures from Borrego Springs and we decided we wanted in on the action. 10 days ago we trekked over the Montezuma Valley Road to park up alongside this wonderful community that sprang up in the first few weeks of the year.  A few of the people here we had met during our last 6 months on the road, some were people we were aware off from following their blog or posts on Instagram, a few people were completely new friends for us. The wonderful thing is that everyone is different and living this life in a different way, but we all have things in common. 

Socializing around the campfire
We all traveled in different ways; in the group we had van conversions, Airstreams (of course!!) a converted bus, beautifully tricked out motorhomes and a magnificent Wanderlodge! Some travelers were single, some couples, some families with young children. The group included people working from the road, some who are retired or taking a break, and some running or building businesses while traveling.    
But despite the differences we all had lots of things in common. Practical things like concern about saving our valuable resources, like power and water or wondering where we will dump our tanks. Seriously what other group of people sit around talking about sewage!!!! The main thing we have in common is the desire to live a life of true freedom and spontaneity. We won't allow ourselves to be shackled by "conventional lives". 

As many people returned back to work after the Christmas and New Year holidays, Iain and I couldn't help but reflect on the decision we made last year to change our lives. Waking up in the middle of the beautiful desert surrounded by a supportive and inspiring community, it's hard not to feel a little smug about making the right choices in our life.  

Here are links to most of the we met there.  I suggest you give them all a follow to get many perspectives on this wondrous lifestyle!   

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful place and group of friends old and new. We miss you guys already!
